Tournaments In 2025

Throughout the summer, the Kaslo Golf Club hosts a number of tournaments that we encourage you to join! Check the schedule below and contact us anytime to register for the event of your choice.

Junior Golf (May 26th, June 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd).  Grades 1-7 start at 3:30pm, Grades 8-12 start at 5:00pm.

June 14th: Ryder Cup: two person teams play handicap adjusted multiple formats – 6 holes of alternate shot, six holes of best “score”, and 6 holes of scramble.

July 13th: Rainbow: Our 18 hole open tournament.  Two men’s flights and one women’s flight.

August 10th: Earl Zilkie Memorial: Our 18 hole senior men’s open tournament (age 50 and older).

TBD: Men’s and Senior Men’s Club Championships (members only).

TBD: Kaslo Legion: scramble tournament (open to everyone).

September 7th: Protective Cup: 4 person scramble fundraiser (open to everyone).

September 28th: Hole In One Challenge: Every hole is a par 3 with a large hole-in-one prize.

TBD (late September/early October): Swing and Sweep (golf and curling team tournament).